Why is There a Fish with a Hamsa Hand?


Why is There a Fish with a Hamsa Hand? - Alef Bet by Paula

Would you hang a fish on your wall? 

After reading this blog post of why a fish is inside of a hamsa hand amulet you will!

You've probably seen an image of a fish on different pieces of artwork and asked yourself why?

Do they symbolize something in the Bible and what does a fish mean spiritually?

Let's take a closer look at this example, above:

There are three colorful fish in this hamsa hand wall hanging, which most likely would be overlooked-- but shouldn't. They are deliberately drawn into the amulet, which you can read about here meaning of a hamsa, because they have a very specific spiritual purpose.   

Fish are a strong symbols in Judaism and Christianity, interwoven throughout the Old Testament (Torah), Biblical commentary, and in the New Testament.

Rashi, the famous medieval commentator on the Tanach and the Talmud said that fish deter the evil eye, and if you're curious about what an evil eye is, there's a full blog on it: what is an evil eye, on our website.

But, let's delve a bit deeper-- like back to the Bible stories, where you'll remember in the Old Testament that our forefather, Jacob sent his son to the land of Egypt during the famine in Israel.  This son, Joseph, was sold into slavery and later became the right-hand man of the Egyptian Pharaoh. 

When Joseph and Jacob finally reunite after twenty years, and Jacob is on his death bed, Genesis 48:16 he blesses his grandchildren, Ephraim and Manasseh.  The blessing says that all of the children of Israel shall all be blessed, “And may they proliferate abundantly like fish,” 

Why fish?

Rashi explains that fish:

are fruitful and multiply.

not affected by the evil eye because they are hidden from the eyes of man

Berachos 20a.

This passage reads, "Just as the fish in the sea, water covers them and the evil eye no dominion over them, so too the seed of Joseph, the evil eye has no dominion over them."

The Talmud makes its claim that fish are resistant from the evil eye because they are underwater and out of human contact. 

Here's another analogy of a fish as a lucky symbol, a protector, that wards off evil and harm.  

Fish never closes its eyes so they are constantly watching.

Just like God.

May God always be there to watch over you and guide you in life.

This makes the fish an effective amulet.

Fish are like the presence of God all around you

If you thought that was powerful, there is so much more to the symbol of a fish, that it would be a shame not share it with you.

A fish also symbolizes fertility-- since they lay so many eggs.  "May you be as plentiful as the fish in the ocean!" 

So, yes for someone having fertility "issues" a fish is a lovely and very powerful amulet to gift. 

May God bless them with fertility, and it is found in Genesis 1:22 "God blessed them, saying, "Be fertile and increase, fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 

A fish also is representative of rebirth, good luck, health, happiness, strength, and endurance.  The connection to the water is also representative of a deeper awareness of our selves. 

Rebirth and transformation are also characteristics associated with fish.  Their evolution throughout millions of years represents the power to change, adapt and grow.

Another strength of the fish is its sense of community. They swim in schools, in large groups, especially when threatened they will often swarm together. 

Wow, right?



 Judaic Sewing Projects

During the first century BCE, when Christianity was a persecuted religion fish were a hidden symbol.  One of the earliest symbols used by Greeks and Romans during the Roman Empire, fish would "tell" people where to meet and congregate so no one else would know.

The Greek word for fish, ichthys, is as follows in meaning:

I – Iota or Iesous (which means Jesus)

X – Chi or Christos (which means Christ)

N – Theta or Theou (which means God)

Y – Upsilon or Yidos/Huios (which means Son)

Y – Sigma or Soter (which means Savior).

There are many New Testament biblical references as well that use the symbolic fish.  

 Such as Jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish Matt 14:15-21 and John 6:5-13. 

Christians were also referred to as Pisciculi, the Latin root word for fish.

Hamsa Hand With Fish Amulet Wall Hanging

Jesus called His disciples “fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19), Pisciculi.

As you can see, fish are very symbolic of both Judaism and Christianity. They are not only beautifully artistic creatures of the sea that lend to endless sources of drawing and depiction but also maintain a deep historical and spiritual representation from as far back as Biblical times.

So, the next time you see a hamsa and a fish within your wall art or piece of jewelry you'll know the intent of the artist.

Let us know if you have any pieces at your home with a hamsa or a fish in it? We'd love to know in the comments.

When you're done with this post you will enjoy reading our next blog:  Will an amulet protect me during a time of crisis.  As well as the following blog that discusses wearing an evil eye to grasp onto "something" during crisis, and why you'll keep wearing an evil eye even when the crisis ends. 

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5 comentarios

Thank you so much for this great article.


I love this article ! All this time I was avoiding the hamsa 🪬 with fish because I thought this had something to do with Christianity wow very insightful Tysm


Very well explained. I have gained a lot of knowledge reading the whole article!!
Thank you!

Aubrey Alexander Lunn

Very well explained. I have gained a lot of knowledge reading the whole article!!
Thank you!

Aubrey Alexander Lunn

Very well explained. I have gained a lot of knowledge reading the whole article!!
Thank you!

Aubrey Alexander Lunn

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