Evil Eye Charms for the Car | Why You Need One


Evil Eye Charms for the Car | Why You Need One - Alef Bet by Paula

Why do you need an evil eye and/or hamsa hand in the car?

What does an evil eye or good luck amulet actually do for you?

These are great questions, so let's dive right in!

An evil eye amulet is found all over the world, in so many cultures and countries, over 42 to be exact (but who is counting?) but its origins most likely began in India, the Near East, or Europe.

The aim or goal of an all-purpose, watchful evil eye is to deflect harm coming towards you. So when you're in the car it makes total sense to always strive for safety while on the road. That is why you should have an evil eye or hamsa hand hanging somewhere in your car.

No one wants an accident!

Where should you hang it in your car?

That's up to you, and you might want to check your local city laws if you are thinking about hanging the eye from your rearview mirror as a word of caution, but that is the most popular, or should we say the location of choice to hang it.

how to hang an evil eye on your car rear view mirror
Navy Blue Evil Eye Car Charm

All you have to do is adjust the slip knot and drape it over the mirror.

And then tighten to your desired length.

And to ask the question, "can buy an evil eye for yourself?" The answer is 100% YES!

It is not bad luck to buy yourself an evil eye or a hamsa hand. It's a lovely gesture to gift an evil eye or hamsa to a friend or family member, you don't need to put it on them either. Well, you can if you want, but it won't affect their luck at all.

The most important way to activate an evil eye is just to believe.

Simple and easy.

Ornament for your car with an evil eye
White Evil Eye Glass Car Charm

These are such wonderful gifts, in fact, if I owned a car dealership I'd gift them to everyone who purchases a new car!

Safety is a must!

Amazon car charm with hamsa and evil eye
Hamsa Car Charm on Amazon

Other ideas for evil eye car charms include:

  • Sweet sixteen party favors

  • When you purchase a new car (or a used car)

  • When you get your driver's license

  • When you renew your driver's license.

  • Boat parties

  • RV vacations

  • Hostess gifts

However, these amulets are not only for cars they also have many uses.

Sharing customers' images are what we enjoy the most, and they inspire creativity and fantastic ideas as well.

Here are some perfect examples from our website:

Simply draping over a glass jar makes the items more vivid, as well as beautiful.

Where to hang an evil eye in your house
Evil eye home decor

The amulet is small enough, that it is perfect to hang from a doorknob. Then you are always protected, blessed, and watched over as you come and go from your room.

can you hang an evil eye on a door
Entrance to a room evil eye amulet

From car charms to doorknobs, from rooms to automobiles these amulets are perfect.

If you'd like to see the entire collection of amulets for the car, including keychains in both an evil eye and a hamsa, please visit our website alefbet.com.

What else can you recommend using these amulets for?

Perhaps as party favors around a napkin on a table...

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